Powerfoods, also called superfoods, include a list of foods from various categories that contain a lot of nutrients. There are certain powerfoods that are not only safe to enjoy during pregnancy, but that provide a lot of important vitamins and minerals.

Try to add all of these powerfoods to your regular diet during pregnancy.

powerfoods during pregnancy

Dried Beans

To start with, make sure you are getting plenty of beans and lentils in your diet. The great thing about this is that when you use dried beans instead of getting them from a can, they only contain the good stuff and aren’t packed with preservatives. You also save a lot of money by rinsing and soaking your beans. Beans and lentils are great for getting enough protein in your diet, whether you are a vegetarian or vegan, or simply don’t eat a lot of meat. They are low in fat and calories, contain lots of fiber, and even have some folate. Eat beans or lentils as a side dish, in soup or chili, or on salads.

Lean Meat

If you are a meat eater, you should focus on lean cuts of meat for adequate protein. These are excellent at providing you with energy due to the high protein content, as well as providing excellent amino acids for your growing baby’s cell production. It can also help stabilize your blood sugar, reducing your hunger overall and preventing overeating between meals. Some good lean meats include turkey, chicken, and some pork and beef.


Artichokes are known powerfoods that are very nutritious and easy to prepare. You can prepare a meal with artichoke, such as a salad or a casserole, or you can simply steam or boil the vegetable and eat it with some melted butter. Artichokes have a lot of folate, which you need for a healthy baby, but also to help boost your energy and help block enzymes. Artichoke also has fiber to prevent constipation, as well as a variety of other nutrients.


In terms of vegetables, one of the best powerfoods to have during pregnancy is broccoli. This simple vegetable is packed with nutrients, including folate, vitamin C, and calcium. It has antioxidants to help prevent illness and disease, with fiber to prevent constipation. It also helps you absorb more iron to boost your energy levels, thanks to the vitamin C content. Try different ways of eating your broccoli, such as dipping it in hummus, having a broccoli salad, or adding it to a side of pasta or rice with some roasted chicken.


Yogurt is also considered a powerfood during pregnancy due to its high calcium content. This doesn’t just help you have strong bones, but helps with your baby’s bone development, as well as nerve and muscle function.